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Showing posts with the label adventure

Is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Worth Watching

Id say it is worth watching. Phantom Blood still worth watching. Yes jojo is a marvelous tale of a family working towards their goal to stop evil where ever it may laye wait. Is jojo's bizarre adventure worth watching . Thats like if I were to still be working on this same series of reviews in 2037. I never had so much fun watching a show like with JoJo. They were an adaption of Part 3 but since the latest series does the same thing much better theyre pretty much redundant. No not at all. Now this may come off as a surprise to many of you considering the fact that I. Watch JoJos Bizarre Adventure. It gets formulated but its still worth watching for all the fight scenes like a chess game where each piece has a really specific ability and I mean way too specific. JoJos Bizarre Adventure part 4 is awesome and its definitely worth watching. Maybe it depends on if you like all anime. Is JoJos Bizarre Adventure worth watching. In my opinion yes. Maybe its beca...